10,000 and counting

Heritage Lottery FundA bit faster even than I expected, we reached 10,000 hits on our blog on Wednesday. The month-on-month increase in hits and followers shows that there is a need and thirst for the type of information the Ouse Washes Landscape Partnership is providing.

I thought it might be a good moment to take stock: What have people actually been reading? Who are our readers? And are any patterns visible, helping us to improve the blog? First of all a few stats:


The below graph shows our gradual increase in hits – the dip at the end is only because we still got 8 days to go this month, so will very likely end up higher than last month.


Gradual increase in hits on the blog.

The average hits per month have also gone up – since the start of the development phase in December 2012 it has increased from 12 to 46 hits per day on average:

Average per day

Popular posts

Most popular posts all-time – ‘your top 10′:

1. Earith Bridge: modern and historic works to the structure

2. Hidden Heritage: Mepal Airfield

3. Conference Invitation

4. People and Legacy: our Vision for the Ouse Washes

5. ‘Ours was the Fen Country’

6. The Lost Fens

7. Audience Engagement and Access Improvements

8. High in the Sky: Heritage & Landscape photography from above

9. Tenders sought for Landscape Character Assessment

10. Distinctiveness: A Local Perspective

10. Ouse Washes Roads Flooded once more (equal number of hits as the previous)

Judging from the above, we may perhaps conclude that people are primarily interested in:

  • Local ‘issues’: flooding; bridge repairs
  • Local, hidden heritage: Mepal Airfield
  • Local landscape character: Landscape Character Assessment; Distinctiveness; kite aerial photography
  • Community & development phase work: Audience & Access Planning; Vision; Conference
  • Cultural heritage – The Lost Fens; Ours was the Fens country

Our audience

The most surprising bit is perhaps the information as to where people come from. People who have looked at the blog come from an amazing 53 different countries across the world:

where from

The vast majority, 94%, of our visitors come from the United Kingdom, with frequent visitors also from The Netherlands; United States; France; Australia; Canada; Portugal; and the Russian Federation.

What do you make of it?

As part of the delivery phase, starting in April 2014, we will also have a dedicated website – the blog will nevertheless continue to be used throughout the next 3 years, to interact with our audience; that’s you. We are keen to hear from you if you think there are ways we could improve on the blog.